Effective Strategies to Reduce Cost Per Hire

Effective Strategies to Reduce Cost Per Hire

Building a dream team shouldn’t feel like walking a financial tightrope. However, in today’s fiercely competitive job market, the average cost per hire can make even the most ambitious companies feel unsteady.

Recent data suggests that in the US alone, recruiting a single employee can cost a staggering $4,700, with the process often stretching out for weeks

For emerging businesses, particularly startups and those experiencing rapid growth, these expenses can quickly become a budgetary nightmare.

This article reveals many effective strategies aimed at significantly reducing your cost per hire while maintaining the quality and efficiency of your recruitment process.

What are recruitment costs?

Recruitment costs refer to the company’s expenses to attract, hire, and onboard new employees. These costs can vary widely depending on several factors, including the company’s size, the industry, and the specific roles being filled.

Cost Per Hire

Cost per hire is a key metric in recruitment. It represents the average expense involved in hiring a new employee within a specific period. This is calculated by summing all recruitment-related costs and dividing by the total number of hires during that time.

External Costs

External costs are expenses paid to third parties or for activities outside the organization. These include:

  • Advertising and Marketing: Costs for job postings, online ads, and other marketing efforts to attract candidates.
  • Recruiting Events: Expenses for attending or hosting job fairs, recruitment drives, and other events.
  • Relocation Expenses: Costs associated with moving new hires, if necessary.

Internal Costs

Internal costs are expenses incurred within the organization. These include:

  • Administrative Costs: Time and resources spent by HR and other staff in the recruitment process.
  • Equipment and Software: Costs for recruitment software, applicant tracking systems, and other tools.
  • Travel Costs: Expenses for travel related to recruitment, such as interview travel.
  • Employee Referral Incentives: Rewards are given to current employees for referring successful candidates.

Other Considerations

There are additional, less tangible costs associated with recruitment, such as:

  • Opportunity Costs: The time spent by recruiters and hiring managers on the recruitment process instead of other tasks.
  • Productivity Costs: Potential loss of productivity during the transition period when roles are vacant or being filled.

Understanding and managing these costs is crucial for an organization to maintain efficient and effective hiring practices.

10 Easy Strategies for Reducing Recruitment Costs

In Marketing and Employer Branding:

1. Use Social Media to Attract Candidates

Leveraging social media is an effective way to attract job candidates. Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are popular among job seekers. 

Posting job openings on these sites can reach a large audience quickly and at a lower cost compared to traditional advertising methods.

Companies can also use social media to showcase their work culture, employee testimonials, and company achievements. This helps build a strong employer brand that appeals to potential candidates. 

Engaging content such as behind-the-scenes videos, employee stories, and updates about company events can attract more followers and keep them interested in job opportunities.

Furthermore, social media allows for targeted advertising. Employers can use demographic filters to reach specific groups, such as recent graduates or professionals with certain skills. 

This targeted approach ensures that job ads are seen by the most relevant candidates, improving the quality of applications and reducing recruitment costs.

2. Encourage Employee Referrals

Encouraging employee referrals is an effective way to reduce recruitment costs. When employees recommend friends or acquaintances for job openings, it significantly lowers the expenses associated with sourcing new candidates. 

Referrals often lead to quicker hires because employees usually refer people they know are qualified and a good fit for the company culture. 

This method also tends to result in higher retention rates, as referred candidates are likely to have a better understanding of the company from their referrer.

Implementing a referral program with rewards can motivate employees to participate actively. These rewards can be monetary bonuses, additional vacation days, or other incentives. 

Not only does this save money on advertising and job postings, but it also reduces the time spent by recruiters on screening and interviewing unqualified candidates. 

Overall, employee referrals streamline the hiring process, improve the quality of hires, and enhance employee satisfaction by involving them in building their team.

Interview Process:

3. Adopt Automation

Implementing automation in the recruitment process can save a lot of time and money. Automated tools, such as Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), help manage large volumes of applications efficiently. 

These systems automatically sort and filter resumes, identifying the most suitable candidates based on predefined criteria. This reduces the need for manual screening, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Automation also improves communication with candidates. Tools can send automated emails to keep applicants updated on their application status. Scheduling interviews becomes easier with automated systems that can coordinate the availability of candidates and interviewers.

Moreover, automation enhances the candidate experience by providing a streamlined and professional process. It ensures that no application is overlooked, maintaining a consistent and fair recruitment process. 

By reducing the administrative burden on HR teams, automation allows recruiters to focus on more strategic tasks, ultimately lowering overall recruitment costs.

4. Schedule Online Interviews

Conducting interviews online can significantly reduce recruitment costs and save time. Using video conferencing tools like Zoom, Skype, or Microsoft Teams allows recruiters to connect with candidates from anywhere. This eliminates travel expenses for both the candidates and the recruitment team.

Online interviews are also flexible, making it easier to schedule multiple interviews in a day. This efficiency speeds up the hiring process, helping companies fill positions faster. 

Additionally, video interviews can be recorded and reviewed later, providing more opportunities for thorough assessment and feedback.

Moreover, online interviews help reach a broader talent pool, including candidates from different geographic locations. This broadens the search for the best talent without the need for costly travel arrangements. 

Using online platforms for interviews is a practical and cost-effective approach that enhances the recruitment process, making it both efficient and accessible.

5. Streamline the Assessment Process

Simplifying the assessment process can significantly reduce recruitment costs. Start by clearly defining what skills and qualifications you need for the job. This helps in creating focused and relevant assessment criteria. 

Reducing the number of interview stages can save time and resources. For example, instead of multiple rounds of interviews, consider combining several assessments into one comprehensive interview.

Use standardized tests and structured interviews to evaluate candidates consistently. This reduces the chances of bias and ensures a fair selection process. 

Implementing pre-employment tests for specific skills can help identify the most qualified candidates early on, reducing the need for lengthy evaluations.

Additionally, providing detailed feedback to candidates can improve their experience and keep them engaged, even if they are not selected. This approach can build a positive reputation for your company and create a pool of potential candidates for future openings.

6. Be Selective About Candidates

Focusing on quality over quantity in candidate selection can significantly reduce recruitment costs. Start by creating clear and detailed job descriptions to attract the right candidates. 

This helps in quickly identifying those who meet the specific requirements of the role and the organizational culture.

Next, implement structured interview rounds with specific evaluation criteria and benchmarks. By setting clear expectations for each stage of the interview process, you can more effectively screen and assess candidates, ensuring only the most suitable ones move forward.

Using tools like psychometric assessments and predictive analytics can further refine the selection process. These tools help evaluate a candidate’s fit with the company’s culture and predict their potential performance, reducing the risk of costly hiring mistakes.

By being selective, you save time and resources on interviewing and training unsuitable candidates, leading to more efficient and cost-effective recruitment.

Manage Talent:

7. Build Alumni Networks, Talent Pools, and Communities

Creating and maintaining alumni networks, talent pools, and communities can greatly reduce recruitment costs. An alumni network consists of former employees who might return or refer others. These individuals are already familiar with the company culture and operations, making rehiring smoother and faster.

Talent pools are databases of candidates who have previously shown interest in your company. By keeping their information on file, you can quickly reach out to them when new positions open up. This saves time and money on sourcing new candidates from scratch.

Building online communities, especially on social media platforms, allows you to engage with potential candidates regularly. Share company news, industry insights, and job openings to keep them interested and informed. 

Engaged candidates are more likely to apply for future openings, reducing the time and cost spent on attracting new applicants. This proactive approach ensures a steady pipeline of potential hires ready to join your team.

8. Internal Talent Mobility

Internal talent mobility refers to promoting employees from within the organization instead of hiring externally. This strategy saves recruitment costs and leverages the existing talent pool. 

Employees are already familiar with the company culture, values, and processes, which reduces the time and resources needed for onboarding and training. 

Promoting from within also boosts employee morale and motivation, as it demonstrates that the company values and invests in its people. This practice encourages employees to stay longer, reducing turnover rates.

Internal mobility can include job rotations, lateral moves, or project-based assignments. For example, an employee from the marketing department might move to a sales role, gaining new skills and perspectives. 

This not only helps in employee development but also ensures that critical positions are filled quickly with competent and experienced staff. Overall, internal talent mobility is a cost-effective way to maintain a skilled and engaged workforce.

9. Employee Retention

Retaining current employees is a smart way to cut recruitment costs. When employees stay longer, you save money on hiring and training new staff. Happy and engaged employees are less likely to leave, which means fewer vacancies to fill. 

To keep employees satisfied, offer career development opportunities such as training and coaching. Make sure they have clear paths for growth within the company. Providing a positive work environment is crucial. 

Ensure employees feel valued and appreciated by recognizing their efforts and achievements. Regular feedback and open communication help address concerns before they become bigger issues. Competitive salaries and benefits also play a significant role in retention. 

When employees see that their well-being is a priority, they are more likely to remain loyal to the company. By focusing on employee retention, you can maintain a stable, skilled workforce and reduce the expenses associated with high turnover.

10. Hire Consultants or Outsource for Smaller Projects

For short-term or specialized tasks, hiring consultants or outsourcing the work can be a cost-effective solution. Consultants bring expertise to specific projects without the long-term commitment of a full-time hire. 

This flexibility allows organizations to address immediate needs without incurring the costs of recruitment, onboarding, and training.

Outsourcing routine or repetitive tasks to freelancers or third-party vendors can also save money. These tasks often require less oversight and can be completed efficiently by external professionals. 

Additionally, outsourcing can free up internal resources, allowing your team to focus on core activities and strategic initiatives.

By using consultants or outsourcing, companies can scale their workforce up or down based on project demands. This approach provides access to specialized skills when needed and helps maintain budget control, making it a practical strategy for managing recruitment costs effectively.

How to Use Cost Per Hire

Cost per hire is a valuable metric that helps you evaluate and enhance your hiring process. Here’s how you can effectively use cost per hire:

1. Compare with Industry Standards

  • Benchmark Your Performance: Compare your average cost per hire with the industry average. This helps you understand if your hiring costs are competitive and identify areas for improvement.

2. Optimize Your Recruiting Budget

  • Identify Spending Areas: Analyze where you are spending the most or the least on hiring. Adjust your budget to allocate resources more efficiently.
  • Experiment with Different Methods: Try various recruiting sources, methods, and tools. This helps you find the best combination to achieve your hiring goals while keeping costs in check.

3. Improve Hiring Quality

  • Analyze Cost vs. Quality: Examine the relationship between your cost per hire and the quality of hires. Ensure you are getting a good return on your investment by hiring high-quality candidates.
  • Track Impact on Retention: Monitor how cost per hire affects employee turnover, engagement, and performance. Lower costs shouldn’t compromise the quality and retention of employees.

By using these strategies, you can make informed decisions to improve your hiring process and achieve better results while managing costs effectively.

Understanding Cost Per Hire Metrics

Cost-per-hire metrics help measure and compare the expenses involved in hiring new employees. These metrics are crucial for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of your recruitment process.

Basic Cost Per Hire Formula

This formula calculates the average expense of hiring one employee. It includes all internal and external hiring costs divided by the total number of hires during a specific period.


Cost Per Hire = (Total Internal Hiring Costs + Total External Hiring Costs) / Total Number of Hires

​Cost Per Hire Comparable (CPHC)

CPHC is a standardized metric that allows for easier comparison across organizations. It excludes variable costs like referral bonuses and relocation expenses, offering a more consistent basis for comparison.


CPHC = ( (Total Internal Costs + Total External Costs) – (Referral Bonuses + Relocation Costs) ) / Total Number of Hires

Recruiting Cost Rate / Recruiting Cost Ratio

This metric assesses the efficiency of the recruitment process by comparing total recruiting expenses to the total compensation of new hires.


Recruiting Cost Rate= Total Recruiting Expenses / Total Compensation of New Hires

​These metrics provide valuable insights into your hiring process, helping you identify areas for improvement and benchmark against industry standards. By understanding and utilizing these metrics, you can enhance your recruitment strategy and control hiring costs more effectively.


Lowering hiring costs benefits your budget and enhances hiring quality and efficiency. By using the strategies we have outlined, you can save money, time, and effort while quickly finding top talent for your company. 

Efficient hiring processes not only reduce expenses but also improve overall recruitment outcomes. Keep in mind that hiring is a crucial investment. Smart spending in this area can yield significant returns by attracting the best candidates to your business.


  1. What is the cost per hire?

Cost per hire is a metric that calculates the total cost involved in hiring a new employee, including recruitment, advertising, and training expenses.

  1. Why is it important to reduce cost per hire?

Reducing cost per hire helps save money, improves hiring efficiency, and ensures better allocation of resources while maintaining the quality of hires.

  1. What are some strategies to lower the cost per hire?

Strategies include leveraging employee referrals, utilizing social media for recruitment, automating hiring processes, and focusing on internal hiring.

  1. How can employee referrals help reduce hiring costs?

Employee referrals reduce the need for extensive advertising and recruitment efforts, leading to faster and more cost-effective hires.

  1. Can technology play a role in reducing hiring costs?

Yes, using applicant tracking systems (ATS) and other recruitment software can streamline the hiring process, reduce manual work, and cut costs.

Picture of Vaishnavi Jonna

Vaishnavi Jonna

A seasoned content writer, editor, and SEO specialist, she seamlessly blends her engineering background with a passion for storytelling. As an ardent reader turned wordsmith, she crafts narratives that captivate and illuminate, bringing a unique perspective to her work.
Picture of Vaishnavi Jonna

Vaishnavi Jonna

A seasoned content writer, editor, and SEO specialist, she seamlessly blends her engineering background with a passion for storytelling. As an ardent reader turned wordsmith, she crafts narratives that captivate and illuminate, bringing a unique perspective to her work.